Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Aseptic Process, Challenges and Validation 18-19th Apr 2019

Aseptic Process, Challenges and Validation 18-19th Apr 2019

Microbiology, Aseptic, Seminar, Workshop, Validation,

Successful #seminar cum #workshop happen in Fortune Landmark, Ahmedabad for two day on #Aseptic Process, Challenges and Validation with association of #Compliance #Training from Bangalore.
People participant was good from various regions of India and went will full of energy to see the current requirement in their own unit or company.
During season a very healthy discussion happen on various case studies and current non-compliance happen in industry. Learned how to avoid such things in advance with proper #Risk #Assesment and proactive #CAPA with implementation and latter following effectiveness of CAPA.

Training cum Seminar at Enrise By Sayaji, Indore

  A great training cum seminar session was conducted for  Contamination Control Strategy  (CCS - Annex 1) and Disinfectant validation. Appre...